Fairy May, Hannibal and Florence
Mrs. Paddy studies her artwork.
Fairie May loves gypsy music.
Parchesi, the Royal Game of India...
the "guests" listen at the door...
Welcome to the Cloisters, Mrs. Savage.
Miss Willy wonders about the bear's eye.
The "guests" of the Cloisters welcome Mrs. Savage.
Fairie May
Hannibal prepares to play for Mrs. Savage.
Florence, Hannibal, and Jeffrey play cards.
Jeffrey ponders the situation at hand.
Lily Belle and Titus inform the Dr. that their mother is uncooperative.
Miss Willy and Dr. Emmet discuss Mrs. Savage.
Lily Belle and Titus discuss their "mother."
Lily Belle discovers her picture on the dartboard.
The guests listen closly to Mrs. Savage's story.
"Do you sleep in your tiara?"
The children take their leave of Mrs. Savage.
"We are Savages!"
Cast of "The Curious Savage"